学 校:原州七小教育集团(总校)
任教年级: 五 年 级
任教学科: 英 语
姓 名: 罗 洁
说 明 一、本教案包括以下内容: 1、 学生基本情况 2、 本册教学内容 3、 本册教材分析 4、 本册教学进度 5、 本学期活动课计划 6、 教学具体措施 7、 本学期教学情况总评 8、 课时教学设计 二、备课要做到备课标、备教材、备学生、备教法,特别要注重学生学法的设计。 三、凡任课教师,必须超前一周进行备课,教案编写后必须经年级组长或教务主任签字后方可实施。 四、本教学设计方案完成后,期末交本校教务处评定成绩后存入本人业务档案。
(五 )年级 ( 1 )班
班级 | 人数 | 其 中 | |||||||
男 | 女 | 回 | 汉 | 少先队员 | 优等生 | 中等生 | 学困生 | ||
五(1) | 66 | 35 | 31 | 26 | 40 | 66 | 25 | 31 | 10 |
二、 本册教学内容
本册书进一步复习归纳单词读音和一些新的语音规则(如:元音字母和辅音字母组合的读音规则等),这部分出现的单词要求能听懂、能认读即可;这部分的教学可以结合直拼法,培养学生能初步做到见词能读、听音能写的能力。 1、词汇:本册要求学生听说读认掌握的单词量比较大,我认为可根据自身的情况要求学生背诵单词,尤其是好生更要强调背诵,因为五年级的孩子已具备背诵单词的能力,而且有意识地要求背诵,能提高学生对单词的熟悉度,对学生认读和阅读有好处,但应该强调的是,对于中下生应该降低要求,切不可强求,以免他们对英语学习更加失去信心。 2、语篇:共有10篇加2篇阅读短文,每模块的第一单元是新语言呈现单元,学生能在老师的帮助下领会每一幅图片所讲述的内容、找到本文中主要词语和语句中动词时态变化的特征(让学生知道英语动词有形式变化即可,不作进一步的解释),通过不同的训练形式让学生听懂,认读并能开口说话交际,有意识记一些“四会”英语词汇;第二单元主要是让学生在第一单元学习的基础上进行知识的巩固和语言运用能力的提高。引导学生进行知识滚动和积累,避免学生知识的回生。让学生能较流利地正确使用所学语言进行口头交际。U2练习1的句型要让学生能听会说。U1和U2的重点句型要让学生充分进行听说操练,并可要求学生模仿书写,培养正确书写英语句子的能力和惯。 |
三、本册教材分析 本册书是外延三起五年级下册课本,本学期的教学要在上学期的基础上引导学生进一步强化听说能力,并同时形成初步的读写能力。随着读写要求的提高,在这个阶段,应让学生从以活动为主的动态学习逐渐过渡到以阅读为主的较为静态的学习,因此在课堂上要逐步减弱活动式学习的分量,逐步加大课堂中阅读与书写的分量。教师在教学中要有目的地转变三四年级教学的方式,做到心中有数,逐步过渡到高年级英语的教法,由于学生有前两年多的学习的知识和能力的积累,在教学中,可适当放手让学生独立完成学习任务,促进他们各方面能力的提高。
2020年 2 月
周次 | 起止日期 | 教 学 内 容 | 课 时 |
一 | 2月17日-21日 | M1U1 We lived in a small house. | 2 |
二 | 2月24日-28日 | M1U2 She didn’t have a television. | 2 |
三 | 3月2日-6日 | M2U1 She learnt English. | 2 |
四 | 3月9日-13日 | M2U2 Mr Li is a teacher. | 2 |
五 | 3月16日-20日 | M3U1 She had eggs and sausages. | 2 |
六 | 3月23日-27日 | M3U2 Sam ate four hamburgers. | 2 |
七 | 3月30日-4月3 | M4U1 Let’s make a home library. | 2 |
八 | 4月6日-10日 | M4U2 We can find information from books and CDs. | 2 |
九 | 4月13日-17日 | M5U1 It’s big and light.U2 It’s big for you. | 2 |
十 | 4月20日-24日 | M6U1 I went there last year.U2 She visited the Lake. | 2 |
十一 | 4月27日-5月 | M7U1 My father goes to work at 8 o’clock . 五一假 | 2 |
十二 | 5月4日-8日 | M7U2 I’ll be home at seven o’clock. | 2 |
十三 | 5月11日-15日 | M8U1 Will you help me? | 2 |
十四 | 5月18日-22日 | M8U2 I made a kite. | 2 |
十五 | 5月25日-29日 | M9U1 We laughed a lot. | 2 |
十六 | 6月1日-5日 | M9U2 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. | 2 |
十七 | 6月8日-12日 | M1OU1 Where are you going? | 2 |
十八 | 6月15日-19日 | M19U2 I’m in New York now. | 2 |
十九 | 6月22日-26日 | 复习 | 2 |
二十 | 6月29日-期末 | 期末测试(具体时间见期末测试安排)阅卷 总结工作 |
备注:1、本进度表按课题安排。 2、本学期规定上课20周,每周16节,共。其中:授课时数320节,期末复习考试—16节。节假日放假占用20节,教学机动时间12节。
| |||
时间 | 活 动 内 容 | 要 求 |
1、 3月 31日 |
Chant | 1 Listen and say. 2 Then chant. |
2、 4月 15日 |
Poem | 1 Listen and read. 2 Then say the poem. |
3、 4月 30日 |
Song:My home is the place. | 1 Listen and say. 2 Then say. |
4、 5月 15日 |
Up and down
| 1 Listen and do. 2 Then play. |
5、 5月 29日 |
Song: Fly,fly in the sky. | 1 Listen and say. 2 Then sing. |
6、 6月 15日 |
Song: Postman,postman. | 1 Listen and say. 2 Then sing. |
1. 课前做好备课工作,不但备教材,还认真备学生,做到有的放矢。主动学习新课程标准,结合自己实际情况和学生实际情况展开教学工作。 2、根据本班学生的年龄特点,鼓励学生大胆说英语,肯定他们的进步,树立学习自信心,培养学生朗读和书写的好习惯。 3、深入钻研教材,认真设计好每一节课,及时反馈课堂中的不足,提高课堂教学效率。 4、利用远程教育资源及多媒体的辅助手段,调动学生的学习积极性,教学英语歌及chant ,教学小故事,情境创设等,初步尝试课本剧的表演,培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣。
5、自觉学习教育理论与专著,适时撰写教学反思,提高自身素质,为教学质量的提高打好基础。 6、利用网络教研开阔自己的眼界,积极参加网络教研活动,参与评论,参与探讨。多向有经验的老师请教与学习,取他人之长,补自己之短。
审查者(签字) 年 月 日 |
教研组长(签字) 月 日 | |
教 务 处 意 见 |
教务主任(签字) 月 日 |
学 校 领 导 意 见 |
校长(签字) 月 日 |
Module 1 Unit 1
教 学 设 计
课 题: We lived in a small house
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1、知识目标: (1)New words: life ,different, ago, any, television, grandchildren, us, grandmother, lady (2)New sentences :There were/weren’t. There are ; We lived …many years ago. We live …now. 2、能力目标: (1)能根据情境正确使用 There be ……,We lived …many years ago. We live … now. 句型谈论生活、学习中的事物 (2)培养学生听、说、读、写的能力。
教学难点:运用 There be …, We lived …many years ago. We live … now. 句型并能在生活中灵活运用该句型。
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| 教师与学生自由会话,教师可以问学生:“-Did you have a good time in your holidays? -Were there any happy things in your holidays? -What did you do in your holidays? -Where did you go?- How did you go? 等
| 师生交流,教师可以帮助学生回顾相关的语言知识,例如:一般过去时的用法、 常用词汇等,为后面的教学做铺垫. |
2.展示课本图片,让学生自己谈一谈图中的内容,要鼓励学生用英语讲, 用上以前学过的句型: “There is/are....”,然后,老师总结学生的描 述。 3.播放课文录音,让学生在听录音的同时找出课文中出现的新单词与新句型。 4.进行游戏 “火眼金睛找生词新句 ”。让学生以竞赛抢答的形式快速找出课 文中出现的新单词与新句型。 | To know the general idea of the passage and get familiar with the pronunciation. |
Step 3、practice | 重点句式操练 Listen and say 。先让学生听录音,跟读句子,明确本 课的重点句式, 然后让他们灵活运用句式: There is/are ……/There was/were …… 造句。 | To practice key sentence structure. |
Step 4、consolidation
| 让学生准备,谈论图中内容,然后选择几个代表来讲给全 班同学听。回忆课文内容,试着用重点句复述课文。 | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| 引导学生对本节所学内容进行归纳总结:运用句式 There be… .We lived … many years ago . We live. | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| (1) Listen and read the text . (2) Copy and recite the new words . (3) Write down the passage and translate it . | To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 1 Unit 1 We lived in a small house. There were There weren't We lived | To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 本节课涉及到否定句和过去式的长句练习,对学生来说难度较大。课文重点句子的练习较少。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 2 月18 日
Module 1 Unit 2
教 学 设 计
课 题: She didn’t have a television.
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1、知识目标:(1)Enable students to read and recognize new words: night, work ,field, fire, radio, telephone, write, hope, could(2)能在真实语言环境中用英语进行交流, 学会表达过去的事情。
情感、态度与价值观:能在真实语言环境中用英语进行交流, 学会表达过去的事情。
教学难点: 能在真实语言环境中用英语进行交流, 学会表达过去的事情。
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| (1):greetings (2)Let ’s chant . (3) Review unit one .
| To review key points in last class ad make preparation of the new class. |
| 1:Lingling watched a programme about China in England yesterday. She missed her grandmother very much. So she wrote to Daming. Now let’s listen to the letter, what did she write in it? 2. 播放课文录音,请学生带着以下 问题认真听录音并找出答案:What programme did Lingling watch last night? -Who did Lingling miss? 3.Listen and underline the new words and new sentences . 4.老师帮助学生理解练习生词新句。注意 充分利用多媒体创设直观情境,抓住关键词语,练习重点句型,巧妙 突破难点 or 的用法。 5.Listen and repeat .听课文,然后抢答竞赛。根据课文内容,提出问题让学生进行抢答比赛,看对课文的掌握的情况, 以小贴画作为奖励。 ) : a.Who talked about her life ? b. Did she have a TV or a radio ? c. Did she have a telephone ? d. Where did she cook ? e. Where did she work ? | To know the general idea of the passage and get familiar with the pronunciation. |
Step 3、practice | Talk about your grandparents .(先再组内谈论自己祖父母过去的生活,然后每组选派一个代表向全班介绍。 | To practice key sentence structure. |
Step 4、summary | 引导学生对本节所学内容进行归纳总结: | To summarize key points. |
Step 5、homework | (1) Listen and read the text . (2) Copy and recite the new words . (3) write down the passage and translate it . | To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 1 Unit 2 She didn’t have a television. She worked in the fields. She cooked on a fire. | To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 本节课学生掌握较好。文章涉及大量短句和过去式,对学生来说难度不大。课文发音和意思掌握都比较好。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 2 月 25 日
Module 2 Unit 1
教 学 设 计
课 题:She learnt English
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1 、 知识目标: Did your grandma learn English? Yes, she did. He is learning English now. 单词: learnt wrote taught language foreign dancer 2 、能力目标:能用英语来询问过去所发生的事情以及他人过去和 现在的状态。
情感、态度与价值观:激发学生的学习热情,进行文明礼仪教育,感染 学生,对其进行中华美德孝顺的教育。
教学重点:能听懂 Did your grandma learn English? 这类语句,并能口头运用He is learning English now.
教学难点: 说明自己想要表达的过去和现 在的状态。用英语描述过去和现在的变化。
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| T : Boys and girls ..I’m happy to enjoy English with you .Are you happy ? Are you ready for your English class ? Ss : Yes . T :Now, l et ’chant. Stand up and clap your hands .
| 教学评析:开始上课,给学生一个轻松的环 境,并为这节课的学习做铺垫,复习已经学过的知识。 |
| T: Boys and girls ,Last night , I watched TV and did some housework .What did you do last night ? Did you do your homework ? Did you learn English ? Ss :Yes . T : You learnt English .She learnt English .Today, We’ll learn Module 2 Unit1 She learnt English.(板书) 1. Look at the screen . ( 利用课件、卡片学习单词。分组练、男女生练 ) Look at the picture, what is she? Can you guess? ( 课件出示 Show the picture of Yang Liping) ,ask: T: what is she ? Ss :She is a dancer. T: She danced in lots of lots of Chinese cities. (dance-danced-dancer ) T:. who can dance?(找同学上去跳舞) then ask: What did she do? 让学生在真实情境中运用过去式,开火车读出单词。 2. (.T: We are learning English . English is a foreign language.(学习 foreign language,同时介绍 Japanese ,French, Russian等外国语。 Let’s chant(师生拍手齐说) learn learnt 是学习 driver driver 是司机 these 这些 those 那些 舞蹈演员是 dancer these clothes这些衣服 foreign languages是外语 3. .Listen to the tape and answer the questions T:We know Lingling is still in England with Sam and Amy. She misses China and she misses her grandmother. .Lingling is looking at some photos. Do you know what's her grandmother like.? What are they?Now listen and find the answer. 1) Did lingling ’s grandma lear n English? 2)Did lingling ’s grandpa learn Eglish? 3)What is lingling ’s grandpa doing now? Read in pairs and talk about the questions. 1、播放第一遍录音,进行课文的整体呈现。 2. 再播放第二遍录音 ,学生带着问题听录音并寻找答案
| To know the general idea of the passage and get familiar with the pronunciation. (注意 /t/ 的发音 , 通过卡片让学生充分练习) 通过杨丽萍的跳舞图片让学生练习 dancer 并很自然 的学习 了 danced (评析:让学生上去表演, 提问并让学生思考如何回答,这样能把学 到的过去式运用到具体的语言环境中去。)
高年级课文教学应体现以学生为本,全体同学参与, 师要尽可能的利用教材资源, 结合学生实际, 把新知知识和原有的知 识技能紧密联系,从而真正内化为自己的语言。 |
Step 3、practice | Step 4 、 Practise in groups. Groupwork1 1. 小组合作讨论对话中不明白的问题并尝试解决。 2 答疑解惑。 Groupwork 2. 1)小组合作分角色朗读、表演对话。 2)个性展示。 Choose the correct answers (出示课件)组讨论,然后展示) Group work3 1)、组内讨论不懂的句子? 2 )、 派一名代表发言 (出示课件) 1、Did she learn any foreign languages ? Yes , She learnt English . 2、 He is learning English now | To practice key sentence structure. |
Step 4、consolidation
| Talk about the pictures: (出示课件) Did she … ? Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t . What did she do ? She … | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| What have you learnt from this lesson ? | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| Please introduce your family members to your friends.
| To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 2 Unit 1 She learnt English. learn-learnt teach-taught write-wrote study -studied
| To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 本课教学设计为学生设计了一系列的贴近生活的教学活动,主要 创设了 “老相片 ”这一任务。 其目的是让学生在这一情境中完成学会询 问别人的姓名、职业、了解其过去的生活这一学习任务,同时让学生 在完成任务的过程中积极主动地运用所学语言知识, 达到熟练运用所 学知识的目的,最终进一步提高学生的英语综合素质。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 3 月 3 日
Module 2 Unit 2
教 学 设 计
课 题: Mr Li was a teacher.
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1 、 知识目标:Words: study ,hard, retired. Sentences: Mr Li was a teacher. He studied very hard. 2 、能力目标:正确使用一般过去时,掌握单词的发音规律。
教学重点: 一般过去时的句型
教学难点: retired的发音
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| T: Do you know Mr Song? The headmaster of Class 1? S: Yes. T: This class I’ll tell you something about us. | 开始上课,给学生一个轻松的环 境,并为这节课的学习做铺垫。 |
| 1.T: Ten years ago, Mr Song was a teacher in Middle school of Tang Shan. He taught Chinese. 2. T: I was a good student in his class. I studied very hard. T: Who studied very hard in Grade 1 or Grade 2? S: …..studied very hard in Grade1/2. T: Now, I’m a English teacher, we work in the same school. And we all teach you. It’s very interesting. Yes? 3、T: This class Chen Hai will tell us a story about himself. It’s more interesting. Let’s have a look. OK? (1)Listen and answer the question: What does the word ”retired” mean? (2)通过听录音,理解课文,讲解retired这个单词。 (3)make sentences with the word”retired”. My grandpa was a worker. Now he is retired Let students make sentences. (4)Listen and repeat (5)Read it in groups. | 教学taught这个单词 teach--taught 教学study这个单词 study—studied 通过询问让学生复习巩固重点句型。 际, 把新知知识和原有的知 识技能紧密联系,从而真正内化为自己的语言。 通过学生说句子巩固单词。
Step 3、practice | Part 2 Look and say. Part 5 Game: look ,ask and answer. 三人一组开展游戏,一人问,一人做动作,一人回答,来复习巩固一般过去时。 | 三人一组开展游戏,一人问,一人做动作,一人回答,来复习巩固一般过去时。 |
Step 4、consolidation
| 把一些学过的具有此类发音规律的单词写到黑板上,学生通过读单词,判断发音,写到相应方框下面。如:bear, pear, glass, grass… | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| What have you learnt from this lesson ? | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| Please introduce your family members to your friends. 谈一谈自己或父母,朋友在过去和现在在学习、工作、生活等各方面的变化。 | To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 2 Unit 2 Mr Li was a teacher. teach-taught study -studied
| To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 本课教学设计为学生设计了一系列的贴近生活的情景,目的是让学生在这一情境中完成学会课文大意。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 3 月 10 日
Module 3 Unit 1
教 学 设 计
课 题:She had eggs and sausages.
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1 、 知识目标:Words and phrases: hamburger, English , breakfast , lunch, sandwich, fish and chips , traditional, dish, very much, gave tonight. 2 、能力目标: Sentences: What did she have for breakfast ? She had eggs and sausages。
教学难点: 如何让学生在课堂上学会What did she have for breakfast ? She had eggs and sausages. 句型并能在生活中灵活运用该句型。
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| Step1 Warming up 1、Greeting.:T: Hello ,boys and girls. How are you? S: I’m fine, thank you. Are you happy? 2、Review : (1)Chant:I am very happy to see you. Let`s have a chant together.( Noodles and rice are very very nice) (2)Review the food: T: Can you tell me what is the chant about ? S: It’s about food. T: Look, there are lots of food. (课件展示食物图片) Let`s say them together. What’s your favorite food / fruite ? Why? Ss: My favorite food is …. | 开始上课,给学生一个轻松的环 境,并为这节课的学习做铺垫。 |
| Step 2 New words and sentences teaching: 1 导入: T: Rice, noodles, dumplings are Chinese food . Daming has got an email from Lingling. It’s talk about English food. Now let’s look at the screen. 2 Learn the new word :egg T: What English food did Lingling have? At first, let’s learn some words and sentences about English food 。 Look! Do you know what`s this 。 Ss: Yes .It`s an egg. What did she have for breakfast? She had eggs for breakfast. T: Do you want to know what did I have for breakfast? Please look carefully. T:Look ,It`s 7 :00. It`s time for breakfast. I like egg 。I want to eat egg .Do you like eggs? How many eggs do you want? Would you like some milk? Oh. It`s time for school. S1: What did you have for breakfast ? S1: I had egg . Ss: What did she have for breakfast? (引导学生说) Ss: She had egg for breakfast。 T—S2: What did you have for breakfast? S2: I had cake. Ss: What did he have for breakfast? (引导学生说) Ss: He had cake for breakfast。 T: T: Good. Please look at screen. Step 3 consolidation of words and sentences: T: Now let`s dead these words and sentences together. Step4 Text learning 1 T : Well done! Class! Your pronunciation is very good。Now let`s look at the screen again and then answer three questions. (1) What did Lingling have for breakfast? (2) What did Lingling have for lunch? (3) What did Lingling have for dinner? 2 Read the text in pair . | 动画课件演绎课文,给学生提供一个生动的情境。
师教egg方式:1 读 2 拼写3造句 “句不离词,词不离句!”在单词的教授中引入课文重点句型 情景创设,师生表演吃早餐.
以比赛的形式进行课文朗读 |
Step 3、practice | T: What did you have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner yesterday? Now, let’s make a survey, OK? You can ask and answer with your good friends: For example: I am a reporter .Ask S1:/S2/S3 What did you have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner yesterday? 1 Practice in the groups. 2 Act it out : Unit 1. She had eggs and sausages. What did she have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner? She had ….. | 在每一组表演后,教师有所指向面向全体或其他不参与表演的同学提问:What did she have for lunch/breakfast /dinner?
Step 4、consolidation
| What did you have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner yesterday? | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| What have you learnt from this lesson ? | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| 1. Read the dialogue fluently.(学困生完成) 2. Make a survey on your grandparents. Talk about the three meals.(中等生和学优生完成) | To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 3 Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages. What did she have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner? She had ….. | To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 本课教学设计为学生设计了一系列的贴近生活的情景,目的是让学生在这一情境中完成学会课文大意。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 3 月 17 日
Module 3 Unit 2
教 学 设 计
课 题:Sam ate four hamburgers.
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1 、单词:gave, tonight 语句: Today Sam ate four hamburgers at school. She gave her hamburgers to Sam. 2 、能力目标:通过两个不同时间的单词的比较,使学生根据不同时间选择不同的时态,同时注意动词适当形式的变化。
教学重点: 学生根据不同时间选择不同的时态,同时注意动词适当形式的变化。教学难点: 学生根据不同时间选择不同的时态,同时注意动词适当形式的变化。教学准备:多媒体课件,单词卡
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| Step1. Warming up 1. Greeting. 2. Look at pictures to review some words about food. 3. 进行一个Free talk由复习的食物过渡到Activity5的chant。 T: There is so much food. They look very delicious. I like fish. What do you like? Ss: … (引导学生用“ I like …”表述自己喜欢的食物。) 4. 学习chant.
| 通过看图片复习学过的食物,唤醒学生的记忆,为以下的学习做好准备.
通过唱歌、师生交流、与学生互动,不但让学生做好上课的心理预备,而且给学生营造英语学习氛围,激活学生的英语思维. |
I ate noodles this morning.(课件呈现) And I drank some milk. (学习ate, drank 并板书 eat- ate, drink-drank ) T: What did you eat /drink this morning? (板书) Ss: I ate/ drank… (师生互问,pair work 学生同桌互问)
First, let’s look at Sam’s diet.
T: What is Sam doing? Ss: Sam is eating hamburgers. T: How many hamburgers? Ss: four. T: Yes, there are four hamburgers. Did Sam eat four hamburgers? 2. 设疑激趣,深入学习。 (一) T: Read the letter and answer: Did Sam eat four hamburgers? Ss: Yes, he did. T: Yes, Sam ate four hamburgers because he likes hamburgers very much. (二)看活动三问题,学生再次自读课文,找出答案。教师核对答案。 T: Boys and girls, From Module one we know Lingling is in England with Sam and Amy. She misses China, and she misses her grandmother. Does she miss Chinese food? Ss: | 课件呈现话题
联系前面学过的Module 1,引导学生进行合理的猜测,同时还可以把教材前后联系起来,让学生体会到教材前后的整体性以及故事的延续性,更有助于学生理解文本。)
Step 3、practice | 课件出示句子,学生用圈出的单词完成句子。并小组核对讨论答案。 (1)Today Lingling _______ her hamburgers to Sam. He____ four hamburgers, but Lingling _____ a sandwich. (学习gave,并板书give, gave) (2)Tonight Mum ______________ Chinese food for Lingling. | 提供给学生一个支架,降低问题的难度。空出几个重点单词,给学生视觉上的提醒,促使学生注意这些动词。同时让两个句子的时间用不同颜色标示,提醒学生注意不同的时间,动词的变化形式 |
Step 4、consolidation
| 小组活动,讨论晚餐食谱。 T: Boys and girls, from this class, we know eating too much is not good. Although we like some food, we can’t eat too much. We should eat healthily. Now let’s discuss our dinner tonight, and make a menu for dinner. T: I’m going to eat some rice and meat tonight. What about you? What are you going to eat tonight? S: …(学生自由表述) | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| What have you learnt from this lesson ? | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| 1. Read the text three times after class.
| To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 3 Unit 2 Sam ate four hamburgers. We gave our hamburgers to Sam. Tonight Mum is going to cook Chinese food for us. | To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 本课教学设计为学生设计了一系列的贴近生活的情景。学生掌握较好。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 3 月 24 日
Module 3 Unit 2
教 学 设 计
课 题:Sam ate four hamburgers.
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1 、单词:gave, tonight 语句: Today Sam ate four hamburgers at school. She gave her hamburgers to Sam. 2 、能力目标:通过两个不同时间的单词的比较,使学生根据不同时间选择不同的时态,同时注意动词适当形式的变化。
教学重点: 学生根据不同时间选择不同的时态,同时注意动词适当形式的变化。教学难点: 学生根据不同时间选择不同的时态,同时注意动词适当形式的变化。教学准备:多媒体课件,单词卡
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| Step1. Warming up 1. Greeting. 2. Look at pictures to review some words about food. 3. 进行一个Free talk由复习的食物过渡到Activity5的chant。 T: There is so much food. They look very delicious. I like fish. What do you like? Ss: … (引导学生用“ I like …”表述自己喜欢的食物。) 4. 学习chant.
| 通过看图片复习学过的食物,唤醒学生的记忆,为以下的学习做好准备.
通过唱歌、师生交流、与学生互动,不但让学生做好上课的心理预备,而且给学生营造英语学习氛围,激活学生的英语思维. |
I ate noodles this morning.(课件呈现) And I drank some milk. (学习ate, drank 并板书 eat- ate, drink-drank ) T: What did you eat /drink this morning? (板书) Ss: I ate/ drank… (师生互问,pair work 学生同桌互问)
First, let’s look at Sam’s diet.
T: What is Sam doing? Ss: Sam is eating hamburgers. T: How many hamburgers? Ss: four. T: Yes, there are four hamburgers. Did Sam eat four hamburgers? 2. 设疑激趣,深入学习。 (一) T: Read the letter and answer: Did Sam eat four hamburgers? Ss: Yes, he did. T: Yes, Sam ate four hamburgers because he likes hamburgers very much. (二)看活动三问题,学生再次自读课文,找出答案。教师核对答案。 T: Boys and girls, From Module one we know Lingling is in England with Sam and Amy. She misses China, and she misses her grandmother. Does she miss Chinese food? Ss: | 课件呈现话题
联系前面学过的Module 1,引导学生进行合理的猜测,同时还可以把教材前后联系起来,让学生体会到教材前后的整体性以及故事的延续性,更有助于学生理解文本。)
Step 3、practice | 课件出示句子,学生用圈出的单词完成句子。并小组核对讨论答案。 (1)Today Lingling _______ her hamburgers to Sam. He____ four hamburgers, but Lingling _____ a sandwich. (学习gave,并板书give, gave) (2)Tonight Mum ______________ Chinese food for Lingling. | 提供给学生一个支架,降低问题的难度。空出几个重点单词,给学生视觉上的提醒,促使学生注意这些动词。同时让两个句子的时间用不同颜色标示,提醒学生注意不同的时间,动词的变化形式 |
Step 4、consolidation
| 小组活动,讨论晚餐食谱。 T: Boys and girls, from this class, we know eating too much is not good. Although we like some food, we can’t eat too much. We should eat healthily. Now let’s discuss our dinner tonight, and make a menu for dinner. T: I’m going to eat some rice and meat tonight. What about you? What are you going to eat tonight? S: …(学生自由表述) | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| What have you learnt from this lesson ? | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| 1. Read the text three times after class.
| To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 3 Unit 2 Sam ate four hamburgers. We gave our hamburgers to Sam. Tonight Mum is going to cook Chinese food for us. | To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 本课教学设计为学生设计了一系列的贴近生活的情景。学生掌握较好。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 3 月 24 日
Module 3 Unit 2
教 学 设 计
课 题:Sam ate four hamburgers.
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1 、单词:gave, tonight 语句: Today Sam ate four hamburgers at school. She gave her hamburgers to Sam. 2 、能力目标:通过两个不同时间的单词的比较,使学生根据不同时间选择不同的时态,同时注意动词适当形式的变化。
教学重点: 学生根据不同时间选择不同的时态,同时注意动词适当形式的变化。教学难点: 学生根据不同时间选择不同的时态,同时注意动词适当形式的变化。教学准备:多媒体课件,单词卡
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| Step1. Warming up 1. Greeting. 2. Look at pictures to review some words about food. 3. 进行一个Free talk由复习的食物过渡到Activity5的chant。 T: There is so much food. They look very delicious. I like fish. What do you like? Ss: … (引导学生用“ I like …”表述自己喜欢的食物。) 4. 学习chant.
| 通过看图片复习学过的食物,唤醒学生的记忆,为以下的学习做好准备.
通过唱歌、师生交流、与学生互动,不但让学生做好上课的心理预备,而且给学生营造英语学习氛围,激活学生的英语思维. |
I ate noodles this morning.(课件呈现) And I drank some milk. (学习ate, drank 并板书 eat- ate, drink-drank ) T: What did you eat /drink this morning? (板书) Ss: I ate/ drank… (师生互问,pair work 学生同桌互问)
First, let’s look at Sam’s diet.
T: What is Sam doing? Ss: Sam is eating hamburgers. T: How many hamburgers? Ss: four. T: Yes, there are four hamburgers. Did Sam eat four hamburgers? 2. 设疑激趣,深入学习。 (一) T: Read the letter and answer: Did Sam eat four hamburgers? Ss: Yes, he did. T: Yes, Sam ate four hamburgers because he likes hamburgers very much. (二)看活动三问题,学生再次自读课文,找出答案。教师核对答案。 T: Boys and girls, From Module one we know Lingling is in England with Sam and Amy. She misses China, and she misses her grandmother. Does she miss Chinese food? Ss: | 课件呈现话题
联系前面学过的Module 1,引导学生进行合理的猜测,同时还可以把教材前后联系起来,让学生体会到教材前后的整体性以及故事的延续性,更有助于学生理解文本。)
Step 3、practice | 课件出示句子,学生用圈出的单词完成句子。并小组核对讨论答案。 (1)Today Lingling _______ her hamburgers to Sam. He____ four hamburgers, but Lingling _____ a sandwich. (学习gave,并板书give, gave) (2)Tonight Mum ______________ Chinese food for Lingling. | 提供给学生一个支架,降低问题的难度。空出几个重点单词,给学生视觉上的提醒,促使学生注意这些动词。同时让两个句子的时间用不同颜色标示,提醒学生注意不同的时间,动词的变化形式 |
Step 4、consolidation
| 小组活动,讨论晚餐食谱。 T: Boys and girls, from this class, we know eating too much is not good. Although we like some food, we can’t eat too much. We should eat healthily. Now let’s discuss our dinner tonight, and make a menu for dinner. T: I’m going to eat some rice and meat tonight. What about you? What are you going to eat tonight? S: …(学生自由表述) | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| What have you learnt from this lesson ? | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| 1. Read the text three times after class.
| To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 3 Unit 2 Sam ate four hamburgers. We gave our hamburgers to Sam. Tonight Mum is going to cook Chinese food for us. | To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 本课教学设计为学生设计了一系列的贴近生活的情景。学生掌握较好。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 3 月 24 日
Module 4 Unit 1
教 学 设 计
课 题:Let’s make a home library.
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1 、知识与技能:1.能够听说读写单词:library,find,CD,bring,use,card,easy;2.理解并运用句型:Let’s make a home library. 2 、能力目标:能够使用Let’s make a home library.
教学重点: 1.能够听说读写单词:library,find,CD,bring,use,card,easy;
2.理解并运用句型:Let’s make a home library.
教学难点: 掌握Let’s make a home library.的用法
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| 播放动画sing a song. | 播放动画,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生快速进入教师创设的英语氛围中,提高课堂效率。 |
| 一、出示第一组动画。 二、白板课件出示图片。 1、教师提问I need a book about English food. What can I do?启发学生回答。 教师与一名优秀生示范问答。 同桌练习问与答。 小组内操练。 2、播放动画,独自练习阅读课文内容。 3、做游戏。同桌练习2分钟。代表小组展示。 | 激发学生的好奇心与积极性
Step 3、practice | 教师巡视,对有困难的小组和个人提供援助,同时搜集学生口语表达中的共性问题和困难,便于接下来的集体订正与练习。 | 教师用实物投影图片再次口头检测从中筛选需要堂清的对象,及时查漏补缺。是问题与困难在第一时间解决。 |
Step 4、consolidation
| Ask students to do pair work and act out. | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| What have you learnt from this lesson? | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 4 Unit 1 Let’s make a home library. That’s a good idea./Great./Ok.
| To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 本节课学生对let’s用法的掌握还可以,但对相关知识Where are the books about sports, please? They are..掌握的不牢固。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年3 月 31 日
Module 4 Unit 2
教 学 设 计
课 题:We can find information from books and CDs.
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1 、能认读、听说:information, e-book, project, guide, film, as well, way, on, topic.这些单词。2 、能力目标:能对"Where can I find information about…"句型进行简单的问答。
教学重点: (1)学生能认读、听说本课的新单词及短语;(2)学生能模仿录音,熟读课文。
教学难点: 能对"Where can I find information about…"句型进行简单的问答。
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| 播放动画sing a song. Step1 Warming up 1.Greetings 2.让学生观察Activity1的图片,并向学生提问:"在日常生活中除了阅读纸质图书外,我们还可以查阅什么形式的图书呢?Let's have a look." 3.请学生先听录音,然后引导学生得出结论:在查阅资料和获取信息时,除了阅读纸质图书,大家还可以查阅电子书。 4.再次播放录音,请学生跟读、自读并展示读。 | 播放动画,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生快速进入教师创设的英语氛围中,提高课堂效率。 |
| 教师向学生描述:"If I want to get some information about animals, where can I find the information? Let's learn activity2 and try to find the answer." Step3.New teaching. 1.教师播放录音,学生边听边圈出新单词。教师利用单词卡片再次教读新单词。 2.学生第二遍听录音,回答问题:“Where can we find information about animals?” 3.再次播放录音,学生逐句跟读,提醒学生模仿语音、语调。 4.学生自读,小组纠错。 5.抽取部分学生展示读课文,评选出“最佳模仿者” | 激发学生的好奇心与积极性
Step 3、practice | 活动一:1.请学生用中文回答,从学校图书馆可以获得哪些信息? 2.小组合作,仿照活动三的例句 用"We can find books about﹉in our school library"写最少三个句子。 3.抽取部分学生展示答案。 | 练习口语 |
Step 4、consolidation
| 教师向学生陈述:“We can get information from our school library. Now, I want to get more information, can you tell me the ways?” 2.请学生观察例句,仿照例句写对话。 A:Where can I find information about… B:You can find it from…. 3.小组合作完成达标题,并派代表上黑板板演,其他学生批阅。 | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| What have you learnt from this lesson? | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| 复述课文Activity2. | To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 4 Unit 2 We can find information from books and CDs. A:Where can we find information? B:We can find information from … A:Where can I find information about…? B:You can find it from… | To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 本节课学生对图书馆内物品学习掌握较好。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 4 月 7 日
Module 5 Unit 1
教 学 设 计
课 题:It’s big and light.
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1、知识目标:复习颜色、大小、新旧等词汇,学会heavy, light,broken,pocket等单词,并会使用这些词描述事物的特征。
情感、态度与价值观:激发学生的学习热情,进行文明礼仪教育,感染 学生,对其进行中华美德孝顺的教育。
教学重点: 1.单词:light broken heavy pocket 及在句型中的使用。 2.句型:It‘s big and light. It‘s got two pockets.
教学难点: 学会用英语描述事物的特征。
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| Step 1. Warming-up 1. Greetings. T: Hello! Boys and girls. (Ss: Hello! Miss Li!) T: How are you? (Ss: I‘‘m fine, thank you. And you?) T: Me too. Are you ready for our English class? (Ss: Yes!) T: OK! Come on! | 过师生之间的问候,拉近与学生的距离,接着利用多媒体播放英语歌曲,创设轻松愉快的英语氛围,在动作中带领学生尽快进入英语学习状态. |
| 1.Sing a song:《Say Hello!》 Now, let’s do. Stand up and sit down. 2、Game: “五彩缤纷”复习颜色词: red , yellow, blue, green, pink, black, orange . (Say the missing color as quickly as you can) 3、复习小结:ask the students to compare,自己和学生进行比较,单词(tall)和单词(short),多叫几个学生试着说,then say a chant:出示:来是come,去是go.点头yes,摇头No. big大,small小。Tall是高,short矮。长是long short短。New是新,旧是old。 。 4. T: Close your eyes.(拿出一个红色的大气球)Look! What’s this ? What color is it? Can you talk something about it? Ss: It‘s a balloon. It‘s red. It‘s… T: Yes. It’s big and light. 5. 创设情境呈现单词: (1)教授单词“broken” 、“pocket”. (2) 出示图片让学生说一说:A: It’s heavy。 B: It’s the green bag.(两人一组说一说) 6. text T: Our good friend Lingling is going to come back to China. But her bag is broken. Ms Smart will buy her a new one. Which bag does Lingling buy? Do you want to know more about it? Let’s go and have a look. | 通过运用一些学过的词做游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动他们的学习积极性,复习描述物体特点所需的反义词.
针对学生的好奇心理,以提问的方式导入课文,使学生明确学习目标,保持学生学习的积极性和主动性. |
Step 3、practice | 两人合作读一读:(听录音回答问题的形式,集中锻炼学生的听说能力,并且有利于教师自然的呈现和提炼了本课重点句型。) | To practice key sentence structure. |
Step 4、consolidation
| Talk about the pictures: (出示课件) Did she … ? Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t . What did she do ? She … | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| What have you learnt from this lesson ? | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| 1. Read the new words and write five times. 2、Read the text three times, and act it out.
| To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 5 Unit 1 It’s big and light. light heavy umbrella
| To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 本课教学设计为学生设计了一系列的贴近生活的教学活动,在完成任务的过程中积极主动地运用所学语言知识, 达到熟练运用所 学知识的目的,最终进一步提高学生的英语综合素质。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 4 月 14 日
Module 5 Unit 2
教 学 设 计
课 题: It’s too big for you.
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1.知识目标:掌握形容词和句型:It’s …for, 2.了解字母组合oa,oy,oo在单词中的发音规则。2 、能力目标:学会运用句型描述物品的特征,并表达自己的看法。
教学重点: 单词: hard
教学难点: 如何用英语描述事物的特征和表达自己的看法
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| T: Hello, Everyone. How are you ? T: last class you did good job. Let’s go on our class. (play a game)复习上节课的知识
| 播放动画,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生快速进入教师创设的英语氛围中,提高课堂效率。 |
What about you?
3.了解课文大意,让学生回答发生了什么事情? 4. Show two pictures,ask questions. | 激发学生的好奇心与积极性
Step 3、practice | 对话练习: Try this one in white(反复操练) S: It’s easy for him. It’s hard for him. | 练习口语 |
Step 4、consolidation
| Listen and tick Look and write Write and draw,then tell you partner | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| What have you learnt from this lesson? | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| Read the dialogue fluently. | To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 5 Unit 2 It’s too big for you It’s too big for you Try this one in white | To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 本课教学设计为学生设计了一系列的贴近生活的情景,目的是让学生在这一情境中完成学会课文大意。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 4 月 21 日
Module 6 Unit 1
教 学 设 计
课 题: I went there last year.
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1 、 知识目标:学习任务:Where/when/what/who did you……. 2 、能力目标:使用目标语句询问过去的事情,练习特殊疑问词的运用。
教学重点: Master the important pattern.
教学难点: Say the sentences.
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| Sing a song .(Mangoes and rice) Review the text together.请几名学生看插图复述课文。
| 开始上课,给学生一个轻松的环 境,并为这节课的学习做铺垫。 |
| 1.Show the pictures and have the student try to say and write. Use the drills. At last give them answers Who has got some photos? Where is Lingling? When did Lingling go there? Who did she go with? Where does her uncle live? 2. Read,look and match. 1)I went to the Great Wall with my friend this summer. 2)I visited my grandfather and grandmother last month. 3)I went to Hainan with my father and mother last July. 4)I visited my cousins last summer. 学生自己读句子,然后与对应的插图连线。 请学生读一读,集体订正答案。 3 Read the pictures and wtite sentence.(看图写句子) | 通过询问让学生复习巩固重点句型。 际, 把新知知识和原有的知 识技能紧密联系,从而真正内化为自己的语言。 通过学生说句子巩固单词。
Step 3、practice | Pair work. | 练习口语 |
Step 4、consolidation
| Group work. Students read the passage together. | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| What have you learnt from this lesson ? | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| Ask your classmates some questions about their travel | To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 6 Unit 1 I went there last year. When did you go to Xinjiang? We went there in July. Did you go with your father and mother? Yes, I did. | To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 本课教学设计为学生设计了一系列的贴近生活的情景,利于学生学习课文。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 4 月 28 日
Module 6 Unit 2
教 学 设 计
课 题: She visited the Tianchi Lake.
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1、知识目标:掌握单词:eat, best, north, rest, have a rest.
2、能力目标:掌握句型:She visited the Tianchi Lake. It’s in the west of China.描述过去的事情和位置。
情感、态度与价值观:能在真实语言环境中用英语进行交流, 学会表达过去的事情。
教学重点: 掌握单词:east, best, north, rest, have a rest. 掌握句型:She visited the Tianchi Lake. It’s in the west west of China.
教学难点: 描述过去的事情和位置。
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| 复习west and south等词汇; 句型:It’s in the … of China. | To review key points in last class ad make preparation of the new class. |
| Part I do? Let’s have a look. Read and show. Part II 1)听录音,感知全文。 2)带着问题看课文视频。 We know Lingling went to Xinjiang last July. What did she do? Let’s watch the video 3)在回答问题的过程中学习she rode a horse.学习ride a horse,然后做动作ride a horse,由此过渡到rode的学习,引导学生做动作学习rode a horse.接着学习she climbed the Tianshan Mountains. She visited the Tianchi Lake.指出天山和天池这种固有名词开头字母要大写。理解have a lovely time 的意思。 4).巩固单词——Magic eye(幻灯片快闪,学生抢读) 5).回归课文 A.听、指、跟读。 B.自读、分角色读。
| To know the general idea of the passage and get familiar with the pronunciation. |
Step 3、practice | 拓展完成任务。 Play a game: 句子接龙 I went to… and I bought…. | To practice key sentence structure. |
Step 4、summary | 引导学生对本节所学内容进行归纳总结 | To summarize key points. |
Step 5、homework | Listen to the tape and read the text 3 times. | To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 6 Unit 2 She the visited Tianchi Lake. She had a lovely time there. rode a horse climbed the Tianshan Mountains visited the Tianchi Lake | To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 本节课学生掌握较好。文章涉及大量短句和过去式,对学生来说难度不大。课文发音和意思掌握都比较好。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 5 月8 日
Module 7 Unit 1
教 学 设 计
课 题: My father goes to work at eight o’clock
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1、知识目标:学写一封电子邮件. 2、能力目标:通谈论自己的计划。
教学重点: 单词:late, early。目标语句:My father goes to work at eight o’clock
教学难点: 短文时态的变化
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| 1、请大家说说你们早上几点上学 2、用英语描述一下 | 过师生之间的问候,拉近与学生的距离,接着利用多媒体播放英语歌曲,创设轻松愉快的英语氛围,在动作中带领学生尽快进入英语学习状态. |
| 1.学习新单词evening ,late ,worker ,factory ,early ,taxi 2.带读生词 3、学习新词组 a.at half past even b.every morning c. at six o’clock d.in a factory e.every night f.a taxi driver g. here’s my mother 4、领读词组 5、学习新句型 某人 go to work at 时间 主语 + 系动词 + a an职业名词 练习句子 6、学习新课文 (1)听录音 (2)教师范读课文 (3)师生一起翻译 7、教师带读。 | 通过运用一些学过的词做游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动他们的学习积极性,复习描述物体特点所需的反义词.
Step 3、practice | 同学们分组活动,操练本课的新词、新句。完成part 4 | To practice key sentence structure. |
Step 4、consolidation
| Group work.
| To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| What have you learnt from this lesson ? | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| 1. Read the new words and write five times. 2、Read the text three times, and act it out.
| To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 7 Unit 1 My father goes to work at eight o’clock late early taxi
| To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 本课教学设计为学生设计了一系列的贴近生活的教学活动,在完成任务的过程中积极主动地运用所学语言知识, 达到熟练运用所 学知识的目的,最终进一步提高学生的英语综合素质。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 5 月12 日
Module 7 Unit 2
教 学 设 计
课 题:I’ll be home at seven o’clock
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1、知识目标:学写一封电子邮件. 2、能力目标:通谈论自己的计划。
教学重点: 单词:busy 。目标语句:Iwill be home at seven o’clock .
教学难点: 短文时态的变化
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| 1.请同学们读一读自己写给Amy 的邮件。 2.谈谈你是如何发送的或没有发送的同学谈谈你打算如何发送。复习发送邮件的步骤。 3.一个活动:把同学们分成三环路组。一组同学抽签说出纸条上的动作,如:sing a song ,一组同学抽签说出纸条上的时间,如:at seven o’clock ,第三组同学把上述两给同学的词组组合成一个句子,如:I sing a song at seven o’clock . | 过师生之间的问候,拉近与学生的距离,接着利用多媒体播放英语歌曲,创设轻松愉快的英语氛围,在动作中带领学生尽快进入英语学习状态. |
| 1.今天我们将学习的任务是谈论你的生活。 2.今天我们还要学习如何谈论和描述自己的短期计划。 如:When will you be home ? When will you be at the office / in the park / some places . 三、New teaching (课文教学) 1.教师导入,引出书中要学的句型。 Now it’s ten o’clock . I am at school now .Today I’m very busy . I will be home at seven o’clock. Where are you now ? When will you be home ? S:I am at school now . I’ll be home at five o’clock . 2.练习句型,同学之间进行问答练习。 3.对学生用书中的活动2,同学们进行问答练习。 Where is he/ she now ? When will he/she be home ? S-S:He’s at the office now . He’ll be home at six o’clock . She’s in the park now . She will be home at seven o’clock . 4.学习课文。 Dad has received an email from Tom . He wrote to Tom . Let’s listen what does he say ? Then let’s learn how to write the email . 5.听录音,教师讲解生词busy , - free , busy –lazy , as busy as a bee 6.听录音,回答问题: (1)Is Dad busy ? (2)What’s Das doing at the office today ? (3)When will he be home ? 7.听录音,跟读课文。 8.学说小诗。 | 通过运用一些学过的词做游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动他们的学习积极性,复习描述物体特点所需的反义词.
针对学生的好奇心理,以提问的方式导入课文,使学生明确学习目标,保持学生学习的积极性和主动性. |
Step 3、practice | 两人合作读一读:(听录音回答问题的形式,集中锻炼学生的听说能力,并且有利于教师自然的呈现和提炼了本课重点句型。)做课堂活动用书中的练习1 2.做课堂活动用书中的练习2:听音,连线。 3.做课堂活动用书中的练习3,体会语音和语调。 | To practice key sentence structure. |
Step 4、consolidation
| 练习:用所给词填空。 at , for , in , on , at (1)Thank you _______ your email . (2)I will sing a song _____ nine o’clock . (3)I’m working very hard _______ the office . (4)I’m ______ the park now . (5)I’m ______ the train now . | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| What have you learnt from this lesson ? | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| 1. Read the new words and write five times. 2、Read the text three times, and act it out.
| To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 7 Unit 2 I’ll be home at seven o’clock. It’s half past seven. It’s a quarter to seven. | To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 本课教学设计为学生设计了一系列的贴近生活的教学活动,在完成任务的过程中积极主动地运用所学语言知识, 达到熟练运用所 学知识的目的,最终进一步提高学生的英语综合素质。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 5 月 19 日
Module 8 Unit 1
教 学 设 计
课 题: Will you help me?
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1 、学习目标语句Will you ...? Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. 2 、能力目标:能听懂课文大意,能运用will来询问某人是否打算做某事,并对其回答。
教学重点: 掌握 Will you help me? Of course I will.这些句子. 并能在实际情景中运用Will you...? Yes, I will./No, I won’t.。
教学难点: 正确使用Will及动词进行交流问答。
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| 1. Greetings. Hello. How are you? In this class I will part you into two teams ---boys team and girls team. If you can do a very good job, you can get marks. At last let’s see who can be the winner, and who will make progress.They can get presents. 2. Sing a song <<Lazy Mary>>T: Let’s enjoy a very nice Engish song. <<Lazy Mary>> When you listen, please think about a question: Will Mary get up today? | 通过动听愉快的英文歌曲,激发学生的学习兴趣,营造出学习英语的氛围,同时歌曲内容与本课教学有着密切的关系,也为新知识的教学打下基础。 |
| 1,Show a present. T: You are so clever. You can get 10marks. I will give you a present. Do you want to know what’s the present? Can you guess? Let`s open it and look , but I can’t open it. Will you help me? S: yes. T: You can also say “of course, I will.” 2. Listen and find. Will Daming take chopsticks? T: Our good friend Daming is going to visit his cousin Simon in America . Will Daming take chopsticks to Simon? Let’s listen to the tape and answer: Will Daming take chopsticks to Simon ? 3. Make a kite.T:Daming will make a Chinese dragon kite. Fan fan will help him. I will make a Chinese dragon kite too.(T shows a kite.)But I haven’t finished it.
| 练习单词以及句子发音
Step 3、practice | Play a guessing game. T:Daming will take a Chinese dragon kite to Simon. Fanfan will him to make this kite. And Fanfan will do other things tomorrow. Please guess what will Fanfan do tomorrow?
| 老师与学生、学生与学生操练句子 |
Step 4、consolidation
| Group work: Students read the passage together. | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| What have you learnt from this lesson ? | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| 1. Read the text three times after class. | To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 8 Unit 1 Will you help me?
What about a kite? I‘ll make a kite.
| To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 通过总结评价,及分层作业的布置,帮助学生将本课的信息进行加工、储存,从而更好地掌握知识并运用于生活之中。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 5 月 26 日
Module 8 Unit 2
教 学 设 计
课 题:I made a kite.
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1 、学习目标语句Will you ...? Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. 2 、能力目标:能听懂课文大意,能运用will来询问某人是否打算做某事,并对其回答。
教学重点: 掌握 Will you help me? Of course I will.这些句子. 并能在实际情景中运用Will you...? Yes, I will./No, I won’t.。
教学难点: 正确使用Will及动词进行交流问答。
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| 1. Greetings. Hello. How are you? In this class I will part you into two teams ---boys team and girls team. If you can do a very good job, you can get marks. At last let’s see who can be the winner, and who will make progress.They can get presents. 2. Sing a song <<Lazy Mary>>T: Let’s enjoy a very nice Engish song. <<Lazy Mary>> When you listen, please think about a question: Will Mary get up today? | 通过动听愉快的英文歌曲,激发学生的学习兴趣,营造出学习英语的氛围,同时歌曲内容与本课教学有着密切的关系,也为新知识的教学打下基础。 |
| 1,Show a present. T: You are so clever. You can get 10marks. I will give you a present. Do you want to know what’s the present? Can you guess? Let`s open it and look , but I can’t open it. Will you help me? S: yes. T: You can also say “of course, I will.” 2. Listen and find. Will Daming take chopsticks? T: Our good friend Daming is going to visit his cousin Simon in America . Will Daming take chopsticks to Simon? Let’s listen to the tape and answer: Will Daming take chopsticks to Simon ? 3. Make a kite.T:Daming will make a Chinese dragon kite. Fan fan will help him. I will make a Chinese dragon kite too.(T shows a kite.)But I haven’t finished it.
| 练习单词以及句子发音
Step 3、practice | Play a guessing game. T:Daming will take a Chinese dragon kite to Simon. Fanfan will him to make this kite. And Fanfan will do other things tomorrow. Please guess what will Fanfan do tomorrow?
| 老师与学生、学生与学生操练句子 |
Step 4、consolidation
| Group work: Students read the passage together. | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| What have you learnt from this lesson ? | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| 1. Read the text three times after class. | To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 8 Unit 2 I made a kite.
What about a kite? I‘ll make a kite.
| To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 通过总结评价,及分层作业的布置,帮助学生将本课的信息进行加工、储存,从而更好地掌握知识并运用于生活之中。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 5 月 26 日
Module 9 Unit1
教 学 设 计
课 题: We laughed a lot.
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1 、学习单词:wore, told, show, women, actor, joke, funny, after, theatre, ready。掌握句型:The men wore women’s clothes. The actors told lots of jokes. 并能用以上句型描述过去发生的事情2 、能力目标:通过本节课的学习,培养学生的听、说、读、写的综合能力。
教学重点: 掌握动词的不规则变化
教学难点: 熟练地运用目标语句描述过去发生的事情。
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| 1 Greetings: 师生运用简单的句子进行问候交流,消除陌生感。 2 Warm-up: (播放课件)师生同chant 自制有韵律的儿歌,边跟着节奏边做动作 walk walk walked (做走的动作) jump jump jumped (跳跳的动作) run run ran (做跑的动作) eat eat ate (做吃的动作) tell tell told (做告诉的动作) | 通过有节奏的chant 既复习了已学的动词过去式,又可以很自然地引出新单词,并且营造了轻松愉悦的氛围拉近了师生距离,使学生迅速进入学习状态 |
T: Today I wear a vest. Yesterday I wore a dress. What about you? T: Look at the picture. Three years ago, At Spring Festival Gala, Xiaoshenyang wore women's clothes. He had a show with ZhaoBenshan and Yadan. (教授单词women,show并练习) 2. New text (1)T: Last week Lingling, Amy and Sam laughed a lot,too. Lingling wrote a letter to Daming and told Daming what she did last week. Now Let's look at the letter. Please enjoy the movie and find the verbs in the past tense. (2).listen again and find the new words. (3) Where did they go last week? 2、What did the men and the women wear? 3、 What did the actors do? 4、What did they eat?
| 练习单词以及句子发音
边听边找出动词的过去式,培养学生的判断能力和自主学习的能力。突破本课重点。请学生说出已学的动词过去式,从而把已学知识和新学知识链接在了一起。 |
Step 3、practice | 5 Practice and Extension: (1)看图选词填空 (2)listen and number (3) 根据语境填词 (4)学生分组看图说话 (5)描述自己昨晚做的事情。 | 老师与学生、学生与学生操练句子 |
Step 4、consolidation
| Group work: Students read the passage together. | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| What have you learnt from this lesson ? | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| 1. Read the text three times after class. | To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot. theatre women actor told joke ready | To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 通过总结评价,及分层作业的布置,帮助学生将本课的信息进行加工、储存,从而更好地掌握知识并运用于生活之中。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 6 月 9 日
Module 9 Unit2
教 学 设 计
课 题: Mum bought new T-shirts for you.
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1 、知识目标:1.学生能听说读本课borrow、 read、 another、 history等单词。2 、能力目标:学习感知字母和字母组合在单词中的发音小组合作培养学生的团体协作精神。
教学重点: 能听、说、认读新单词。
教学难点: 能在真实情景中运用单词wore, told, show, women, actor, joke, funny, after, theatre,ready.
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、 Warming up | Sing a song(The more we get together) | 营造了轻松愉悦的氛围拉 |
| T: Look, what do I bring today ? Ss: Book, pen . T: Yes, I bring books .I bring pens. 出示bring 单词卡片 ,师教读生跟读两遍。 T:Do you bring pen ? Do you bring book? (师先后举书和笔问) Ss: Yes. T: Now, bring you book and pen, do as I do , say as I say .(师播放幻灯片) 生跟着师咏读: I bring book ,I bring pen ,I like study ,I bring everything. (四个小组分别读三遍bring单词) T: (师举着两本书,一本有标签,一本没有。) 问:Look at these two books , look at here?(指着贴标签地方问) What are difference between them ? T:Yes. There is a piece of book mark on this book. And this book, it has not. Look at the last page of this book , there is written Xinhua bookstore, I bought it from Xinhua bookstore.(无标签的一本) And look at this book, I borrowed it from our school. (出示borrow单词) 师教读生跟读,紧接着播放幻灯片。(borrow---borrowed, b和w排两边,双r站在双o间,要想记住过去式,就把ed后面添。) Ss: 生边读边巧记borrow---borrowed. T:when I read in a low voice ,you should read loudly; When I read loudly , you should read in a low voice.(师生大小声读) T: 师拿着借来的书翻开做出读书的样子,边看边说:I read this book all.然后拿着买来的书摇着头说:I did not read it at all. 出示read 单词,at all 短语。 T:播放幻灯片。(read---read, r和d排两边,ea牵手站中间,古今读书靠勤奋,过去现在都不变。)师稍作解释,read的过去式和现在式是一样的。At all短语的连读。 Ss: 男女生分别读。 T:Look at these words and the phrase. Let us read together.(生看着黑板上的单词卡片) Ss: 齐读三遍。 T:Now, open your book, turn to page fifty-three, look at part one: Listen and chant.(师播放录音,听完一遍后生跟着录音咏读。) Ss: 生咏读。 T:Look, what book?(师拿出一本中国历史书让学生猜) Ss: 生说. T: Yes, it is a history book.(师指着封面的历史教读history,指着中国历史教读Chinese history.) Ss: 生跟读。 T:师出示history单词卡片,抽一列学生一个一个读。 S:一个接着一个读。 T: 师播放幻灯片。(history, 中国历史不容易,他的(his)故事(story)要牢记。)把history分成两部分教学生记忆。 T: 师左右手分别拿一支钢笔,先后放在讲桌上,边放边说:I put one pen on my desk, I put another pen on my desk.然后举着钢笔读one , another; one pen ,another pen;学生跟读。紧接着就学生所带物品进行one, another练习。出示another单词卡片。 T:所有学生起立,跟着老师做,跟着老师说:one ear, another ear; one eye ,another eye; one hand ,another hand; one leg, another leg.强化练习another单词。 Ss: 跟着老师做,跟着老师说。 T:I want to know something about you, so I will ask you some questions. Who can try? What is your name? S: My name is … T: Do you like apple? What is … S: Yes… T: Show ask, question word card.(每排读两遍) Ss: 生读。 T:播放幻灯片。(两个小朋友,分别对应一个问题和两个问题,由此导出question, questions)让学生感受单复数区别以及运用。 T:师让刚才回答问题的学生先后起来,就先问他们的问题问其他学生,让其他学生回答老师他们先是怎样回答的。师顺水推舟说:Oh, I am so sorry, she have told me , but I forget.出示forget单词卡片。 Ss: 全班读,个人读。 T:播放幻灯片(forget, for(为了)get(得到),就别忘记)分开读,组合读。 T:Now, we learn many words, and we will learn the last word, first , look at my mouth, guess, how to read it?(师做出这个单词发音嘴型,学生猜测) Ss: soon T: You are very clever,师读。 Ss: 生读。 T:出示soon卡片,强调双o发音。(播放幻灯片:soon, 数到n,就很快了。) T:Now, let us play a game. There are many words card, you should help them to find their friend, and then put them together.(把全班分成八个小组,四人一小组,每小组发一张大的素描纸和一些单词卡片以及汉语意思,找出对应的单词与意思后可按喜欢的图形贴在纸上。完成后展示在教室两侧,学生可排好队看看各组的劳动成果。然后回到各自座位。学生在完成这个活动过程中,播放轻音乐陪伴。) T: You are very wonderful! Now. look at the blackboard ,let us read these words again. Ss: Read. T: Look, there is a letter. Do you know this letter is whose? What about the letter?(师出示一封信) Ss: Yes. T: Now, look at your book on page fifty-three, part two: Listen and read. T: 师播放录音,学生先听一遍后,然后跟读。 | 练习单词以及句子发音
Step 3、practice | Do the pair work. | 老师与学生、学生与学生操练句子 |
Step 4、consolidation
| Group work: Students read the passage together. | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| 1.总结本节课学到的知识,并提出要不断地操练熟读的要求。 2.用适合自己的方法记忆学过的单词。 | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| 1. Read the text three times after class. | To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 9 Unit 2 Mum bought new T-shirts for you. in another history ask question forget | To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 通过总结评价,及分层作业的布置,帮助学生将本课的信息进行加工、储存,从而更好地掌握知识并运用于生活之中。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 6 月 16 日
Module 10 Unit 1
教 学 设 计
课 题: Where are you going?
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1、知识目标:1. Students can listen, speak, read and write, the words:
shoes, ticket, toothbrush。2. Students can listen, speak, read the words: list, airport.
2、能力目标:Use "where, what, when, who" special question word to ask travel
情感、态度与价值观:1, Make students participate in classroom activities and
communicate with others.
教学重点: Students can use "where, what, when, who" special question words to ask somebody’s travel preparation.
教学难点: 正确使用句型进行交流问答。
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| 1.Greetings. T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello Ms Fan . T: How are you? Ss: I'm fine thank you, and you? T: I'm fine too, thanks. 2. Let's sing the song “Happy song ” | Stimulates the students’ interest, having the students good atmosphere. |
| 一. 1.You know summer holiday is coming. We are going to have two months holiday. Where are you going to do? I am going to Beijing to travel with my friends. I am going to take lots of things. And they are all in my bag. 2, I will show the bag and teach the new words: shoes ticket toothbrush. Then I ask students to guess what is in my bag? T: Look at my bag. Do you think what is in my bag. Guess it. I’ll take lots of things. Now they’re in my bag. What’s in my bag? Can you guess? S: clothes, shoes, ticket…. 3, I am going to take so many things. Now can you help me make a list of . 4, I ask some students to talk about where are they going to go? What are they going to take in summer holiday. 5, Today we are going to learn how to make some preparations. After the lesson, you must make some preparations for your trips on summer holiday. 二.Read the text T: OK! Boys and girls. Ok, we have learnt the new words about the things that we need to prepare before traveling. Most of you tell me you are going to take clothes, mobile phone, camera, money and so on . T : Do you remember our good friend Daming . S : Yes. T: I am going to tell you good news about Daming. Who can guess. Daming is going to have a trip. He is going to go to New York. Abroad. Do you think what is he going to take? T: You guess it. Now let’s open the book and turn to 38. T: Now let’ s listen to the tape and underline the sentences with” where what when who” Are you ready? T: If you find them. Put your hands up. Oh group one is the best. Goup 1 gets one point. Now, if I read a word like “what ” you should read the full sentence with “what” understand. Ok the first one is ”where” Ok goup2 is the fastest. Goup2 gets one point. The second “what” . ok goup1 read the most neatly. Gets one point. Now, next one is “when”. Group4 read the most clearly. Ok. T: Now let’ s listen to the tape again and underline the answer to the sentences with” where what when who” Are you ready? T: Ok we have read it. Now do you find the answers. All of you find them out. Now let me read the question and you read the answer. Let me find which group is best. First one “where are you going to go?” S: ”to the airport” T: You got it and goup1 read the most loudly. Group 1 gets one point. The second question “what are you going to take?” S: Clothes, shoes, present, ticket, passport, toothbrush. T: Goup3 read neatly. Get one point. The next one “when are you” going to airport. S: at seven o’clock T: all of you are very good get one point. The last one is very difficult “who is going to the airport?” S: It’s me . T: Oh. Very very good. You do a good job. Goup4 answer is very simple. (在学生回答的时候,我同时贴出答案) 3. Read the text using different ways. |
Learn the text. And know the main and different points
Through rhythmic chant, not only active classroom atmosphere, but also help students to easily consolidate the difficult point of this lesson |
Step 3、practice | I will set three scenes. Let the students to make their own plans. Work in the group. | 老师与学生、学生与学生操练句子 |
Step 4、consolidation
| Group work: Students read the passage together. | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| What have you learnt from this lesson ? | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 10 Unit 1 Where are you going? I feel nervous. To the airport. Ticket passport | To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 通过总结评价,及分层作业的布置,帮助学生将本课的信息进行加工、储存,从而更好地掌握知识并运用于生活之中。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 6 月 23 日
Module 10 Unit 2
教 学 设 计
课 题:I’m in New York now.
主 备 人: 罗洁
教 学 目 标:1、知识目标:词汇: arrive, taxi, flat, building, made, again等。句型:学习使用以下句式:Be+主语+ready for+其它? It will be.../I’m going to +动词原形+其它。2.能力目标:理解,会说,并根据实际情况运用以上句式进行会话练习。描述自己的打算。.
教学重点: 1.单词:arrive,taxi,building,made. 2.句型:Grandma made Chinese food for me.
教学难点: “wh”“wr”读音规律。
教 学 流 程 | 师生活动 | 设计意图 |
Step1、Warming up
| 1.师生对话交流,复习上节课的句型: Where did you go last year? Where did you go there? 2.全班齐唱一首英语歌曲,集中学生的注意力,让学生投入到课堂学习。 对于学生不明白的单词和句子进行讲解。 | 过师生之间的问候,拉近与学生的距离,接着利用多媒体播放英语歌曲,创设轻松愉快的英语氛围。 |
| 活动一: 1先让学生自读,划出不会读的单词,然后听录音并让学生跟读课文。在学生跟读的过程中,教师就学生在理解上还存在的问题和困难进行讲解。 教师在这一过程中要注意及时纠正学生的读音。 2再次播放录音,请学生思考下列问题: Where is Daming now? Where did Daming arrive? Who met Daming at the airport? What did he see in New York? What food did his grandma make? What food did he want to try? 请同学们回答以上问题: 3.再次播放录音,请学生模仿跟读。然后在此基础上,请两名学生一组朗读课文,相互纠正语音语调。老师在次过程中也要即使的纠正学生的语音语调。 4.要求学生以局为单位轮流朗读书信,即每名学生朗读书信内容中的一句话,为了避免个别学生上课注意力不集中,老师可以不按座位顺序,请一学生朗读一句话,马上随意请另一名学生朗读下一句话,以此方法将书信朗读完毕。 | 通过运用一些学过的词做游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动他们的学习积极性,复习描述物体特点所需的反义词.
针对学生的好奇心理,以提问的方式导入课文,使学生明确学习目标,保持学生学习的积极性和主动性. |
Step 3、practice | 1.让学生看课本上第四部分每一栏顶部的字母组合,告诉他们第一行的字母组合在英语里发固定的音,然后让学生仔细听这些字母组合发什么音。 2.向学生说明,在这个练习中他们将看到几对继母组合。每一对组合中都有一个不发音的字母。 3.在黑板上写上字母组合“wh”,然后在它下面写出单词“who”和“when”,并在字母组合“wh”下划线。指着单词“when”问:“what is this?”然后让全班学生说出这个单词,以同样的方法介绍“who”。 | To practice key sentence structure. |
Step 4、consolidation
| 请学生以小组为单位,谈论自己的旅游经历,最后各组派一名代表到讲台前和全班同学分享他的旅游经历,老师并给与指导(对于说错的单词和句型进行纠正)和奖励。 | To consolidate key sentence structure. |
Step 5、summary
| What have you learnt from this lesson ? | To summarize key points. |
Step 6、homework
| 1. Read the new words and write five times. 2、Read the text three times, and act it out.
| To consolidate key points. |
板书设计 | Module 10 Unit 2 I’m in New York now Grandma made Chinese food for me. I want to try American food.
| To present key points and help students to learn. |
教学反思 | 本课教学设计为学生设计了一系列的贴近生活的教学活动,在完成任务的过程中积极主动地运用所学语言知识, 达到熟练运用所 学知识的目的,最终进一步提高学生的英语综合素质。 | |
审批者签字 2020 年 6 月 28 日